> 玻璃大全 > 我在擦玻璃的英文



时间过得飞快下午一点我在帮妈妈擦玻璃窗,用... - 雨露学习互助

Time passed so fast.I was helping my mom clean the windows at 1pm (或者是1 o'clock in the afternoon.)

擦玻璃用英语怎么说 - 懂得

擦玻璃[动]wipeglass;wipewindowpanes;[例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。Threeofussweepandmopthefloorandtheremai 擦玻璃[动]wipeglass;wipewindowpanes;[例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。Threeofussweepandmopthefloorandtheremai


擦玻璃 [动] wipe glass; wipe window panes; [例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean th... 擦玻璃 [动] wipe glass; wipe window panes; [例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean th。

擦玻璃用英语 - 雨露学习互助

wipe the glass


she must be in the classroom i forgot to do my homework yesterday evening clean the window


wipe off the glass. clean the glass.

英语翻译雨下在我窗前,玻璃也在流眼泪.街上的... - 雨露学习互助

Rain on my window,the glass also shed tears.People on the street looks a little better than my happiness.I have in your heart a little special?I guess you reall... I guess you really feel,thoughts written in the face of the black eye.We can not stop the fantasy of forever.You do not understand the meaning of a smile,like a。

" 继续用英语怎么说?

goondoingsth继续做这件事 goontodosth继续做其他事 例:Afterhavingarest,Iwentondoingmyhomework. 休息一会后,我继续做作业(说明休息前就在做此事) Aftercleaningthefl... goondoingsth继续做这件事 goontodosth继续做其他事 例:Afterhavingarest,Iwentondoingmyhomework. 休息一会后,我继续做作业(说明休息前就在做此事) Aftercleaningthefl... goontodosth继续做其他事 例:Afterhavingarest,Iwentondoingmyhomework. 休息一会后,我继续做作业(说明休息前就在做此事) Aftercleaningthefloor,Iwentontocleanthewin。

英语翻译如下;今天我帮妈妈擦布玻璃,有一种新... - 雨露学习互助

I helped the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother c... I helped the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother c... the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother cr。


玻璃杯; 玻璃(... After four glasses of wine he began to feel light-headed.他四杯酒下肚后开始感到头晕目眩起来。Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.他戴了一副墨镜,保护眼睛... Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.他戴了一副墨镜,保护眼睛不受阳光照射。All raise your glasses and drink to Katie and Tom!大家举起杯为凯蒂和汤姆祝福吧!
