> 玻璃大全 > 我的世界玻璃英文翻译




Stone 石头 Dirt 泥土 Cobblestone 原石 Wood 木板 Sapling 树苗 Water 水 Lava 岩浆 Sand 沙子 Gravel 沙砾 Gold Ore 金矿 Iron Ore 铁矿 Log 木头 Red Log 红木 Birch Lo... Stone 石头Dirt 泥土Cobblestone 原石Wood 木板Sapling 树苗Water 水Lava 岩浆Sand 沙子Gravel 沙砾Gold Ore 金矿Iron Ore 铁矿Log 木头Red Log 红木Birch Lo... 石头Dirt 泥土Cobblestone 原石Wood 木板Sapling 树苗Water 水Lava 岩浆Sand 沙子Gravel 沙砾Gold Ore 金矿Iron Ore 铁矿Log 木头Red Log 红木Birch 。

This glass is broken.能不能翻译成:这个玻璃... - 雨露学习互助


“我的心是玻璃.请别伤害我”英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

I have a glass of heart,very fragile and easily hurt,pls dont let this happen.


为了说的明白,可以说:The glass cup is made of the glasses.玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的。玻璃杯可以看出玻璃的材质,所以用made of 为了说的明白,可以说:The glass cup is made of the glasses.玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的。玻璃杯可以看出玻璃的材质,所以用made of


1.你能告诉我处理这些旧玻璃的方法吗 Could you please tell me the approaches to deal with these old glasses? 2.我不知道她没有来的原因 I don't know the reason why ... 2.我不知道她没有来的原因 I don't know the reason why she didn't come. 3.我想知道她昨天告诉你的时间 I'd like to know the time that she told you yesterday.

英语翻译我用金山2005翻译是玻璃小瓶, - 雨露学习互助

vial:[ 'vaiəl ] n.小瓶(药水瓶)vt 把...放入小瓶中Examples:1.The salt is in the vial.盐在那个小瓶里.2.A vial or round long-necked vessel for laboratory use.烧瓶... n.小瓶(药水瓶)vt 把...放入小瓶中Examples:1.The salt is in the vial.盐在那个小瓶里.2.A vial or round long-necked vessel for laboratory use.烧瓶实验用的一种小瓶或... 把...放入小瓶中Examples:1.The salt is in the vial.盐在那个小瓶里.2.A vial or round long-necked vessel for laboratory use.烧瓶实验用的一种小瓶或长颈容器

英语翻译1 因为我打破玻璃,所以姨妈责备我.2 ... - 雨露学习互助

Aunt blamed me because I broke the glass.Their advice is conducive to my success.Everyone has taken part in the games except the basketball player. Aunt blamed me because I broke the glass.Their advice is conducive to my success.Everyone has taken part in the games except the basketball player.

窗户玻璃用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

window or windowpane..窗格条窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.2.日光困难地... window or windowpane..窗格条窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.2.日光困难地... or windowpane..窗格条窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.2.日光困难地。

窗户是玻璃做的用英语怎么说是不是The window... - 雨露学习互助



谁打碎了那张玻璃餐桌? 英语翻译:Who broke up the glass table? 重点词汇释义: 打碎:smash; break into pieces; destroy; batter; break up 玻璃:glass; nylon; plas... 谁打碎了那张玻璃餐桌? 英语翻译:Who broke up the glass table? 重点词汇释义: 打碎:smash; break into pieces; destroy; batter; break up 玻璃:glass; nylon; plas。
