> 玻璃大全 > 一杯玻璃杯水的英文




词典释义 a glass of water 要不这样吧,我用另一个玻璃杯把水端过来。 I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass 词典释义 a glass of water 要不这样吧,我用另一个玻璃杯把水端过来。 I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass

..知道的回答啊,请问翻译 一杯凉水.是 a cup ... - 雨露学习互助

应是a cup of cold water.因为cold是形容词,而短语的意思是一杯凉水,为不是一个杯子是凉的.所以cold应修饰water,而不是cup.如果不明白请继续追问,我将竭诚问您解答! 应是a cup of cold water.因为cold是形容词,而短语的意思是一杯凉水,为不是一个杯子是凉的.所以cold应修饰water,而不是cup.如果不明白请继续追问,我将竭诚问您解答!

of一般在什么时候用?比如说一杯水用英文说:a cup of water还。

1.作不可数名词(如water)的量词使用 2.为了强调某个词而使用(如bank of china强调它是银行)

一块蛋糕一袋大米一玻璃杯果汁一瓶水一杯茶两盒巧克力... - 懂得

一块蛋糕apieceofcake一袋大米abagofrice一玻璃杯果汁aglassofjuice一瓶水abottleofwater一杯茶Acupoftea两盒巧克力糖twoboxesofc 一块蛋糕apieceofcake一袋大米abagofrice一玻璃杯果汁aglassofjuice一瓶水abottleofwater一杯茶Acupoftea两盒巧克力糖twoboxesofc


glass glass [例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。 Put some water in each glass or cup. n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻... glass glass [例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。 Put some water in each glass or cup. n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻... Put some water in each glass or cup. n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯[C]4. 一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a 。


glassglass[例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯... glassglass[例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯... Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯[C]4. 一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a g。


【答案】 glass n. 1.玻璃[U] 2.玻璃制品[U] We have a set of table glass. 我们有一套玻璃餐具. 3.玻璃杯[C] 4.一杯(的容量)[C] Drink a glass of water... 【答案】 glass n. 1.玻璃[U] 2.玻璃制品[U] We have a set of table glass. 我们有一套玻璃餐具. 3.玻璃杯[C] 4.一杯(的容量)[C] Drink a glass of water... glass n. 1.玻璃[U] 2.玻璃制品[U] We have a set of table glass. 我们有一套玻璃餐具. 3.玻璃杯[C] 4.一杯(的容量)[C] Drink a glass of wate。

玻璃杯用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

glassn.1.玻璃[U]2.玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具.3.玻璃杯[C]4.一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a glass of water.喝一杯水.5.镜子[C]6.气压计,晴雨... glassn.1.玻璃[U]2.玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具.3.玻璃杯[C]4.一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a glass of water.喝一杯水.5.镜子[C]6.气压计,晴雨... have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具.3.玻璃杯[C]4.一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a glass of water.喝一杯水.5.镜子[C]6.气压计,晴雨表[the S]7.眼镜[P][K]


一茶杯..a cup of 一玻璃杯..a glass of 一瓶...a bottle of 一碗...a bowl of 一片(块)儿..a piece of 一袋...a bag of 一茶杯..a cup of一玻璃杯..a glass of一瓶...a bottle of一碗...a bowl of一片(块)儿..a piece of一袋...a bag of

一玻璃杯橘子汁英文怎么说 求教~

a glass of orange juice one kilo of chicken some kilos a boy with big eyes a girl in white shirt from Monday to Friday between the two boxes next to me on a PE ... a glass of orange juiceone kilo of chickensome kilosa boy with big eyesa girl in white shirtfrom Monday to Fridaybetween the two boxesnext to meon a PE ... of orange juiceone kilo of chickensome kilosa boy with big eyesa girl in white shirtfrom Monday to Fridaybetween the two boxesnext to meon a PE 。
