> 玻璃大全 > 玻璃杯中有点儿水的英文




玻璃杯里有大量的水There is plenty of water in the glass 玻璃杯里有大量的水There is plenty of water in the glass


Thereissomewaterintheglass/cup. 这是最简单的表示方法,意思是杯子里有些水。表示在“某处有某物”时一般不用have,而用Therebe句型。只有在表示“某人有某物”时才用hav... Thereissomewaterintheglass/cup. 这是最简单的表示方法,意思是杯子里有些水。表示在“某处有某物”时一般不用have,而用Therebe句型。只有在表示“某人有某物”时才用hav... 表示在“某处有某物”时一般不用have,而用Therebe句型。只有在表示“某人有某物”时才用have,如:Ihavesomewater. Thereisalittlewaterintheglass/cup. alittle表示程。

玻璃杯里有一点热水,翻译成英文 - 雨露学习互助

There is a little hot water in the glass cup.


七年级英语(下)Unit1-Unit6知识点 Phrases 1. be from 2. pen pal 3. live in 4. a very interesting country 5. years old 6. the United Kingdom 7. speak English 8. go... 66. on vacation 67. have a good time 68. lie on the beach 69. this group of people 70. look cool 71. in this heat Drills 1.-Where is your pen pal from? -She's ... -She's from Japan. 2.-Where does he live? -He lives in Paris. 3.-What language does she speak? -She speaks English. 4. Please write and tell me about you。


需要喝一些水:needtodrinksomewater givemesomewaterthankyou Thereissomewaterintheglass/cup.这是最简单的表示方法,意思是杯子里有些水.表示在“某处有某物”时一般不用have,而用Therebe句型.只有在表示“某人有某物”时才用have,如:... 一些水somewater


杯子里有一些水Thereissomewaterintheglass 杯子里有一些水Thereissomewaterintheglass

玻璃杯里有些橘子汁,用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

There is some orange juice in the glass.

玻璃杯里有一些啤酒用英语怎么说? - 懂得


three glassess of water是什么意思



glassglass[例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯... glassglass[例句]在玻璃杯或杯子里放些水。Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯... Put some water in each glass or cup.n.1. 玻璃[U]2. 玻璃制品[U]We have a set of table glass.我们有一套玻璃餐具。3. 玻璃杯[C]4. 一杯(的容量)[C]Drink a g。
