> 玻璃大全 > 玻璃杯里有一些果汁的英文怎么写




再问: 在问你一个问题好么

is there any milk ____juice in the cup?用an...- 雨露学习互助



她喜欢喝果汁,但是这个杯子里的果汁太甜了She likes to drink juice, but the juice in this cup is too sweet. 她喜欢喝果汁,但是这个杯子里的果汁太甜了She likes to drink juice, but the juice in this cup is too sweet.

...果汁一瓶水一杯茶两盒巧克力糖一些果冻用英语怎么说? - 懂得

一块蛋糕apieceofcake一袋大米abagofrice一玻璃杯果汁aglassofjuice一瓶水abottleofwater一杯茶Acupoftea两盒巧克力糖twoboxesofc 一块蛋糕apieceofcake一袋大米abagofrice一玻璃杯果汁aglassofjuice一瓶水abottleofwater一杯茶Acupoftea两盒巧克力糖twoboxesofc

(2)这天气正适合游泳 (3)杯子里有一些橙汁,怎么做,帮?

(1)By the window sat Marie.(2)The weather is perfect for swimming.(3)There are some Orange Juice cup 希望可以帮到你 (1)By the window sat Marie.(2)The weather is perfect for swimming.(3)There are some Orange Juice cup 希望可以帮到你

1.米饭和面条是健康的食物.2.玻璃杯里有橙... - 雨露学习互助

1.rice and noodles are healthy food.2.is there any orange juice in the glass?3.we haven't got any meat or vegetable1.is2.is oranges healthy food or unhealthy fo... 3.we haven't got any meat or vegetable1.is2.is oranges healthy food or unhealthy food?【话说这句我实在没看懂题.】

...在靠窗户边儿坐着 (2)这天气正适合游泳 (3)杯子里有一些橙汁

(1)By the window sat Marie.(2)The weather is perfect for swimming.(3)There are some Orange Juice cup 希望可以帮到你. 再问: 能在帮我一些吗 再答: 好的,什么问题呢?... (1)By the window sat Marie.(2)The weather is perfect for swimming.(3)There are some Orange Juice cup希望可以帮到你. 再问: 能在帮我一些吗再答: 好的,什么问题呢?... the window sat Marie.(2)The weather is perfect for swimming.(3)There are some Orange Juice cup希望可以帮到你. 再问: 能在帮我一些吗再答: 好的,什么问题。


单一个glass已经可以代表玻璃杯的意思了, 如果多於一个玻璃杯就是glasses.tumbler是指平底玻璃杯(喝果汁或牛奶那种), 与喝红酒的玻璃杯区分出来. 单一个glass已经可以代表玻璃杯的意思了, 如果多於一个玻璃杯就是glasses.tumbler是指平底玻璃杯(喝果汁或牛奶那种), 与喝红酒的玻璃杯区分出来.

我正给我的一个朋友写信,杯子里有一些橙汁... - 雨露学习互助

See you tomorrow night,Can you send an oral message to him?I'm writing a letter to my friend.There're some orange juice in the cup.Our school across the post of... I'm writing a letter to my friend.There're some orange juice in the cup.Our school across the post office.纯手打,望采纳 翻译这一段是吗。 See youtomorrow night.Could you please give him a message for me?l am writing to a friend of mine.There are some orange juice in the cup.Our school is across fr... l am writing to。


问题一:磨口玻璃瓶英文怎么写 磨口玻璃瓶英文这么写: 磨口玻璃瓶 [词典][化] ground-glass stoppered flask;问题二:玻璃杯用英文怎么写? 玻璃杯glass问题三:收集玻璃瓶和报... 玻璃杯glass问题三:收集玻璃瓶和报纸怎么说英文 To collect glass bottles and newspapers问题四:扁平玻璃瓶 上面有英文TRUE 是什么东西 是不是香水啊问题五:玻璃杯英文怎。
