> 文章列表 > 创意拜年英语






当人们去互相拜访庆贺新年时,可以用以下英文表达:People go to pay a New Year call.



  • 1. 除夕:New Year\'s Eve
  • 2. 对联:poetic couplet
  • 3. 鞭炮:firecrackers
  • 4. 舞龙舞狮:dragon and lion dance
  • 5. 春联:Spring Festival couplets
  • 6. 红包:red envelope
  • 7. 年糕:rice cake
  • 8. 团圆饭:family reunion dinner
  • 9. 福字:character \"Fu\"
  • 10. 春节:Spring Festival
  • 11. 烟花:fireworks
  • 12. 春晚:Spring Festival Gala
  • 13. 新年倒计时:New Year countdown
  • 14. 祭祀先祖:ancestor worship
  • 15. 守岁:stay up late on New Year\'s Eve
  • 16. 拜年:pay a New Year visit
  • 17. 贴春联:put up Spring Festival couplets
  • 18. 吃年夜饭:have a New Year\'s Eve dinner
  • 19. 春节假期:Spring Festival holiday
  • 20. 新年愿望:New Year\'s resolution



  • 1. With best wishes for a happy New Year.(祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。)
  • 2. I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.(祝你新年快乐、繁荣。)
  • 3. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success for you.(愿新年为你带来快乐和成功。)
  • 4. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year.(祝愿节日快乐,新年繁荣。)
  • 5. Have a great New Year.(祝您新年快乐。)


Merry Christmas and have a good time everyday. Happy New Year to everyone! Enjoy everyday and have a good time!

新年快乐英文是Happy New Year还是Happy New Years?

请注意单词与单词之间有空格,应该是:happy new year(新年快乐)。在英语中,通常不使用“Happy New Years”的形式。



  • 1. Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year.(祝你新的一年快乐幸福。)
  • 2. Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.(祝你好运、健康、快乐。新年快乐。)
  • 3. May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity.(愿新年为你带来快乐、和平和繁荣。)
  • 4. Wishing you a bright and prosperous New Year.(祝你新年明亮和繁荣。)
  • 5. May the joy and happiness of the holiday season be with you throughout the coming year.(愿节日的快乐与幸福伴随你一生。)



  • 1. Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year.(祝你新的一年快乐幸福。)
  • 2. Good luck, good health, good cheer.(祝你好运、健康、快乐。)
  • 3. May your New Year be filled with joy and success.(愿你的新年充满快乐和成功。)
  • 4. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.(祝你新年快乐、繁荣。)
  • 5. Have a fantastic New Year.(祝你度过一个美妙的新年。)



  • 1. Best wishes for the year to come!(恭贺新禧!)
  • 2. Good luck in the year ahead!(祝吉星高照!)
  • 3. May you come into a good fortune!(恭喜发财!)
  • 4. Wishing you prosperity and good luck in the coming year.(祝你新年兴旺发达。)
  • 5. Have a prosperous New Year.(祝你新年繁荣。)

春节与外国的新年有什么相同英语 - 毛毛爱美丽 的回答


  • 1. We have a family dinner together.(我们一家人共进晚餐。)
  • 2. We watch TV together.(我们一起看电视。)
  • 3. We wear new clothes.(我们穿新衣服。)
  • 4. We visit our friends.(我们拜访朋友。)
  • 5. Give.(收到礼物。)